About Us

Aniket Srivastava is a name among millions who battled, fizzled and flooded ahead looking for progress, joy and happiness. Like any other person, he too had a lot of muddled dreams and an obscured vision of his objectives throughout everyday life. The sum total of what he had was an undying learning disposition to clutch. Paddling through high points and low points, it was time that showed him the genuine importance of his life.

No big surprise individuals interact with him and his crucial ‘Sharing’ is presently being effectively implemented and followed by millions. It is his dedication and confidence of his group that props him up. He has now become a successful Business Consultant helping small and large businesses with the adequate improvement s. He is also one of the best Relationship advisor helping out managing relationship issues.


Aniket Srivastava is basically from Uttar Pradesh. He started his benchmarking career at a very early stage and is a renowned Business Consultant who has helped various startups business to get tremendous outputs. Discussing Aniket family foundation, he originates from an upper white collar class kayastha family. Be that as it may, preceding he has become a successful business person, he didn’t have a decent information in business when he began his first organization name hotsprice. In any case, his family constantly bolstered Aniket to become what he is today and constantly confided in him with each choice that he makes. He was referred to as Aniket Srivastava Hotsprice originator as the main association in 2016, at a very early age. His nationality is Indian.


As he began his business he was not 18 so his organization began by the name of his mom He began his business examine when he was in class eighth in Millennium school lucknow Then he shaped the enlisted organization in 2016 when he was in tenth class and was 15 years in age Now he was running Three organizations including backups and expanding the quantity of organization possessed.


He is a business advisor, inspirational expert, influencer speaker, and gives direction on close to home or expert level. He gives intellectual conduct treatment with the goal that an individual is moved out of pressure and wretchedness. During the days it was all enjoyment and learning for him. However, his ways were fairly flighty from those of different children his enjoyment component was to screwing with the PC and making a decent attempt chances to commit errors so he could learn new stuff and doing that he increased a distinct fascination for programming. Subjective conduct is regular thing these days. It’s because of stress too. Psychological conduct is first phase of split character because of sorrow which can be dealt with right away. He helps out individuals by counseling about their relationship issue, vocation issue or any kind of difficult issues.